
- Dec. 22, 2021
- 20:24 Min
Reading and Bonding with Kids Featuring Gramps Jeffrey
From Contributing to the Huffington Post to Bonding with Kids. Gramps Jeffrey has 4 kids and 6 grandchildren and looks at how the kids are growing up as a baby boomer trying to understand how the world has evolved since he was 3 years old.

- Dec. 27, 2021
- 32:03 Min
The Important Role Grandparents Play In A Childs Development
The interaction between grandparents and grandchildren can be an important part of a young person’s development. Grandparents can provide acceptance, patience, love stability wisdom, fun and support to their grandchildren.

- December 6th 2021
- 31:52 Min
Impact Radio USA
GRAMPS JEFFREY, Author (12-6-21)
GRAMPS JEFFREY, a baby boomer author from Scottsdale, Arizona, joined us to discuss his latest release, “I Don’t Want to Turn 3”, a book about how grandparents can and should be highly involved in the lives of their grandchildren.

- Dec 03, 2021
- 31:53 Min
“The MisfitNation by Richard LaMonica”
Welcome to The MisFitNation Podcast! We started out in 2010 as a band of MisFit Soldiers on a desert plain. In the years since our bond has stayed and we have grown. With this platform, we will share stories of courage, mindset, resilience….

- Dec 03, 2021
- 1:40 Min
About Elevating Your Life with Paula Vail
Hi I’m Paula Vail. You probably know me from Linkedin or my website www.paulavail.com, as a Reiki Master and Teacher or maybe you’ve read my book, “Why Am I So Happy?” I’ve begun a new chapter in life with this Patreon channel because I want “joy finders” like you to be part of my community.

- Oct 2, 2021
- 27:36 Min
Reading With Your Kids – Growing Up Is Hard To Do
Growing Up Is Hard To Do. Anita Tosh celebrates her #YA #Novel The Book Of Jeremy. In this novel we watch a young 12 year old who experiences prophetic dreams grow into a young 17 year old leader. And Gramps Jeffrey tells us how his grandkids inspired him to write his #PictureBook I Don’t Want To Turn Three.

- Dec. 3, 2021
- 27:29 Min
The Importance of Reading to Kids and Spending Quality time with Loved Ones with Gramps Jeffrey
Gramps Jeffrey has 4 kids and 6 grandchildren and looks at how the kids are growing up as a baby boomer trying to understand how the world has evolved since he was 3 years old.

- AUGUST 11, 2021
- 01:46:14 Min
Grandpas and Growing Up (with Gramps Jeffrey)
Today we sit down with Gramps Jeffrey, a grandfather and author of the children’s book “I Don’t Want to Turn 3”. We talk about how his own family inspired the book, all the life lessons you learn as a child, and about how parenting has changed over the years.