Post By Wanda Luthman
Hi everyone,
Today, I want you to meet a very special Grandpa. His name is Grandpa Jeffrey and he wrote a wonderful children’s book starring his own grandchildren with a great message…sharing!
Why Did I Write This Book, I Don’t Want to Turn 3?
Living this past year, because of the pandemic caused by Covid19, in isolation except for being with family, gave me special time to watch and interact with the grandkids. What a trip!
All 6 kids have completely different personalities. The one thing they have in common is the sense of curiosity and how excited they get when they do accomplish something new. Watching them grow year to year and how they interact with each other is the basis for this book.
What goes through a toddler’s mind that parents are so desperate to understand? When does a toddler understand the difference between “me” and “us”? This book explores how a family finds out together.
As a baby boomer trying to understand how the world has evolved since I was 3 years old, is also part of this story. My parents did not have cell phones or the Internet or cable TV. My parents’ definition of discipline is quite different than parents of today. Has today’s world made for a better place for children to grow up? I will let you answer that question as you weigh how you were treated growing up compared to how we treat our kids today.
So, I wrote this book to read to these grandkids. Their reaction has been invaluable. As you watch them understand Jordan’s discovery of right versus wrong, you can see the older kids have gone through the same dilemma. And the younger kids don’t quite yet understand the concept of sharing. This whole experience, for me, has been priceless.
Please view the original post on Wanda Luthman’s blog here.
Today, I want you to meet a very special Grandpa. His name is Grandpa Jeffrey and he wrote a wonderful children’s book starring his own grandchildren with a great message…sharing!
Grandpa Jeffrey, please tell us why did you write this book…
Living this past year, because of the pandemic caused by Covid19, in isolation except for being with family, gave me special time to watch and interact with the grandkids. What a trip!
All 6 kids have completely different personalities. The one thing they have in common is the sense of curiosity and how excited they get when they do accomplish something new. Watching them grow year to year and how they interact with each other is the basis for this book.
What goes through a toddler’s mind that parents are so desperate to understand? When does a toddler understand the difference between “me” and “us”? This book explores how a family finds out together.
As a baby boomer trying to understand how the world has evolved since I was 3 years old, is also part of this story. My parents did not have cell phones or the Internet or cable TV. My parents’ definition of discipline is quite different than parents of today. Has today’s world made for a better place for children to grow up? I will let you answer that question as you weigh how you were treated growing up compared to how we treat our kids today.
So, I wrote this book to read to these grandkids. Their reaction has been invaluable. As you watch them understand Jordan’s discovery of right versus wrong, you can see the older kids have gone through the same dilemma. And the younger kids don’t quite yet understand the concept of sharing. This whole experience, for me, has been priceless.
Please view the original post on Wanda Luthman’s blog here.
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