Reading Through Trauma: How a Story Helped Students Get Through Tough Times?

A trauma is an emotional reaction to an event that is traumatic, such as the occurrence of rape, accident, or natural catastrophe. After the event, denial and shock are the most common. More long-term reactions may include uncontrollable feelings, flashbacks, the tension in relationships, and physical signs like nausea or headaches. 

Trauma disorders are mental health issues that are triggered by a traumatizing experience. Trauma is subjective. However, the most common triggers that can trigger disorders include neglect, abuse or witnessing violence, the loss of someone close to you, or experiencing the mindset of a natural disaster.

Three Significant Kinds of Trauma: Acute, Chronic, or Complex

  1. Traumas that are sensitive result from one incident.
  2. Chronic trauma can be repeated and lasts for a long time, like the abuse of a spouse or family member.
  3. Complex trauma refers to exposure to multiple and diverse trauma-related events, most of which are intrusive and social.

Symptoms of Trauma

The symptoms of psychological trauma

  • Denial, shock, or denial
  • The difficulty of concentrating and confusion
  • Anger, anger, and mood shifts
  • Fear and anxiety
  • Guilt, shame, self-blame
  • In drawing money from others
  • I’m feeling sad or depressed
  • You feel disconnected or numb

Helped Students Get through Tough Times

Like many other strategies for supporting a specific student group, these strategies can positively assist students who do not have experienced trauma. The research suggests that the most significant indicator of their capacity to overcome their stress and situation is their capability to read. If they can read, they stand an opportunity to succeed at school and triumph over the terrible events of their lives.

  1. Talk to counselors and social professionals. In addition to providing information specific to pupils, the counselors and social workers are fantastic sources of information for knowing and understanding the impact of trauma.
  2. Establish a structure and ensure consistency. Note the plan onto the table. Utilize exit and entry routines. If the student knows what she should be expecting, it will help her feel secure.
  3. Provide time warnings in advance of activities that require shifts. Ensure you are aware before doing anything unanticipated, like shutting on the light or making a loud noise. If you can, prepare your students in advance for drills with fire.
  4. Offer a variety of options. For those with a history of trauma, control is absent. Offer safe methods for students to exercise their choice and control inactivity within the context.
  5. Find strengths and passions. Choose a specific area of expertise and support the development of that area to help contribute to a positive self-image.
  6. A large part of helping students with trauma history is being present each day and being there for the student, no matter the behaviors that emerge. As an adult, you are the one in the student’s life who will be a good friend and trust him regardless of what happens. Children can never have enough positive adults in their lives.
  7. Create an “out” strategy. Make a plan that a student can take time out if she feels stressed or overwhelmed in the class. Create a space within the school building or outside in which you can tell the best place to go if she requires a break for a quiet moment or to control her mood. It is also possible to give a set or box of tools for calming the mind that the student could use (Silly Putty, coloring, puzzles).
  8. If you are working with just one student who has experienced trauma, you may suffer from vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue. Use your support system, and make time to complete tasks to fill your tank.
  9. The emerging discipline called “trauma-informed learning” has made huge strides in helping teachers recognize the emotional, developmental, and social issues that trauma students face within the classroom. 

While teachers aren’t psychotherapists trained in trauma-informed learning, they are trained in therapeutic strategies that can be integrated into the school to address the issues of delayed development, weak neural pathways, and overregulated nerve systems that students face because of trauma.


Teachers find it difficult to help children cope with the impacts of trauma exposure. Children who have been through traumatic events have a variety of mental health, behavioral, and learning issues. The implementation of the programme is not taught to classroom teachers. Students may benefit from intervention programmes to help them overcome the impacts of trauma. There are modifications that teachers can make to their teaching practices and interactions with students on a daily basis, in order to assist children in overcoming their traumatic experiences and achieving success.