Turn 3
Then all of a sudden Olivia screams “what are my dancing shoes doing in Jordan’s room?” The entire family runs to my private bedroom and Jackson yells “my dinosaurs” and Levi shrieks “my sea creatures” and Baker bawls “truck” and Grace cries “my dolls”. And Mommy looks at me like today will be my last day alive. What goes through a toddler’s mind that parents are so desperate to understand?
4.5 out of 5

In “Secrets of Retail,” Joseph shares practical, “been there, done that” advice on everything from the psychology of buying to hiring employees and working successfully with vendors and promoters. This invaluable book provides expert advice for small retailers, including a step-by-step guide to competing against Wal-Mart and other major chains, how to manage day-to-day operations and procedures (“retail detail”) easily and effectively, and how to ensure profits. Joseph covers all the nuts and bolts of setting up shop and building your business, including
3.7 out of 5

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"Gramps Jeffrey"

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"Gramps Jeffrey"

While written in a too mature voice for a child so young, this book is the perfect go-to for parents and others to help open up the discussion of right and wrong; what belongs to others, and other essential learning tools. Young children are sponges and while they may not fully understand all the words being read, they will absorb the meaning and apply it to their interactions. I can't wait to read this to my grandson and share it with the demon child who lives next door.

I Don't Want to Turn 3 by Gramps Jeffery takes readers on a journey into Jordan's world. Jordan's two years old and scared because his parents expect more of him when he turns three tomorrow, and Jordan discovers what happens when you take, when you share, and when you give back. I was curious why this author wrote I Don't Want to Turn 3 and contacted them to find out why. Gramps Jeffrey said they wrote this book for grandparents who want to be more involved in influencing how this latest generation grows up. Hearing this made me an instant fan, not because I'm a grandparent. But because, like many of you who want to make the world a better place, I believe this can be done through our acts and deeds children see. And that's why I recommend I Don't Want to Turn 3 by Gramps Jeffery.

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"Gramps Jeffrey"